Friday, February 25, 2011

Automatic Lock for Your House

Reason - Everyone knows how big of a hassle it is when your trying to get inside your house without a free hand. When your at the grocery store to pick up a few items, out shopping, or your a student with a project or a few books in your hands. Almost everyone has been there at the front door with too many things in your hand and then you attempt to find your key in your pocket or purse with one hand while you have your items wedged against the wall, or your items are all over the ground Which could fall over and break or if there papers could blow away, or your items are still inside your car and you have to make a few trips to get them after you open your front door which could be dangerous and time consuming if you live on a busy street. Well not any more thanks to the automatic door lock, with just one click of a button on your remote you can lock or unlock your front door. It works just like an automatic remote for your car lock. It has a range up to one hundred feet, so if you have to park a far distance from your home thats no problem. There are other items that claim there automatic door locks, but they just use a key pad, which is just as bad as using a key. It is also great for when your in a rush and you leave something by the door or on the table near your door, because now you can quickly unlock the door without turning off you car to get the key for your house.

How to Use it - Install the lock. Then hold both the lock and unlock button on your remote for a few seconds to sync it with your automatic lock. Also the lock is solar powered so you'll never need batteries.

Price - $19.99 for the remote and lock

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